Based on the information provided, the target may be reached in
1300 307 807
The projection above is based on the below assumptions:
Capital Start
Capital Month
Capitalise / DirectDebit
Income Reinvest
Annual Income
Cash Interest Rate
Other Cost Rate
Loan Start
Loan Month
Max Loan Amount
Continue Invest On Max Reached
Loan Interest Rate
Equity Dividend Income Rate
Equity Capital Growth Rate
Franking Level
Current Situation
Target Amount
Timeframe to Target
Initial Contribution
Monthly Contribution
Pre-tax Annual Income
Investment Assumptions
Expected Interest Rate on Cash
Are you interested in investing in shares or managed funds?
Expected Growth from Shares or Managed Funds
Expected Dividend Income from Shares or Managed Funds
Expected Franking Level of Dividends
Will dividend income be reinvested?
Any other expected costs i.e. entry fees or brokerage?
Loan Assumptions
Initial Amount Borrowed
Additional Amount Borrowed Each Month
Is there a maximum loan amount you don't want to exceed?
What is the maximum loan amount?
Continue investing monthly contribution if maximum loan is reached?
Expected Interest Rate on Loan
How will interest be paid?
Adviser Only
Adviser Name
Client Name
Important Information
Please note that the interest rate applicable to your loan may differ from the indicative rate used in the assumptions. Please confirm the interest rate upon application.
Gearing involves risk, it can magnify your returns, however it may also magnify your losses if the value of your investment decreases. Please adjust the default settings based on your expectations. This simulator is provided by Leveraged Equities Limited (ABN 26 051 629 282 AFSL 360118) as Lender and as a subsidiary of Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited (ABN 11 068 049 178 AFSL 237879) and is for illustrative purposes only. This simulator provides a hypothetical view of a projected financial position based on assumptions, including variables that are inserted in the projector. This simulator is for general information purposes only and does not purport to guarantee any projected savings result or level of return. No guarantee, warranty, or representation is given or implied as to the reliability or accuracy of the information produced by this simulator or the information used to compile each index or each calculation . While variables outlined in this simulator have default amounts, they should be increased or decreased by you as appropriate. Different variables entered into this simulator and different assumptions and estimates may provide different outcomes. Your personal financial and taxation circumstances including any changes to current taxation rules may also impact on the outcome of this simulator. The outcome generated by this simulator does not constitute financial, credit, investment, tax, legal or other advice and does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation, or needs. This simulator is not intended to imply any recommendation or opinion about a financial product. In addition, the simulator does not take into account your credit limit or any other limits that might be applied to a borrowing by you. Please consider your personal circumstances and seek your own independent professional advice before making any financial decisions. If you are considering to acquire a financial product you should read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement and Incorporated Statements, Product Guide, and the parts of the Leveraged Equities Terms and Conditions that are applicable (including the Facility Terms and Conditions, the Direct Debit Service Agreement and the Privacy Disclosure and Consent) before making a decision. You should not rely on this simulator to make financial decisions. Historical data used in the simulator bears no relation to future performance and the value of an investment may rise or fall. To the extent permitted by law, neither Leveraged Equities Limited nor Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited or any of their related entities, employees or directors accept any responsibility for any losses arising from the use of or reliance on this simulator.
Simulation Details
Capital start of year
Loan at start of year
Interest payable
Total Investment Value Start of year
No. of units start of year
Loan to Investment Ratio
Entry fees
Income Received
Franking Credits
Unit Price start of year
Unit Price end of year
Units purchased over year
Own Equity contributed during year
Additional borrowings during year
Total Invested over year
Other Taxable Income
Total Assessable Income
Margin Tax Rate
Tax + Medicare Levy on total assessable income
Tax + Medicare Levy on Other Income
Tax + Medicare Levy payable on investment, net of franking credits
Net cashflow from Investment
Funds available for Reinvestment
Capital at end of year
Loan at end of year
Sale of units
Capital Gain net of costs
Gain on units held for less than 12 months
Assessable Capital Gain
Total Taxable Income
Tax + Medicare Levy
Tax + Medicare Levy on investment
Profit from investment
Net realised portfolio value end of year after loan repaid
Capital start of year
Total Investment Value Start of year
No. of units start of year
Entry fees
Income Received
Franking Credits
Unit Price start of year
Unit Price end of year
Units purchased over year
Own Equity contributed during year
Total Invested over year
Other Taxable Income
Total Assessable Income
Margin Tax Rate
Tax + Medicare Levy on total assessable income
Tax + Medicare Levy on Other Income
Tax + Medicare Levy payable on investment, net of franking credits
Net cashflow from Investment
Funds available for Reinvestment
Capital at end of year
Sale of units
Capital Gain net of costs
Gain on units held for less than 12 months
Assessable Capital Gain
Total Taxable Income
Tax + Medicare Levy
Tax + Medicare Levy on investment
Profit from investment
Net realised portfolio value end of year after loan repaid
Capital start of year
Income Received
Other Taxable Income
Total Assessable Income
Margin Tax Rate
Tax + Medicare Levy on total assessable income
Tax + Medicare Levy on Other Income
Funds available for Reinvestment
Capital at end of year
Capital Gain net of costs
Assessable Capital Gain
Total Taxable Income
Tax + Medicare Levy
Net realised portfolio value end of year after loan repaid
Yearly Details
Year 1 
Year 2 
Year 3 
Year 4 
Year 5 
Year 6 
Year 7 
Year 8 
Year 9 
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
Year 13
Year 14
Year 15
Year 16
Year 17
Year 18
Year 19
Year 20
Year 21
Year 22
Year 23
Year 24
Year 25